Unbreakable Freedom: Winning the Fight for Medical Freedom (Episode 9)

2 years ago

June 08, 2022
Source: www.unbreakableseries.com

Dr. Hooker is a parent who understands what the vax injured community is going through since his son was injured by one of his childhood vaccines… This has sparked Dr. Hooker’s passion to expose the truth behind the dangers and corruption of these DEADLY C0V1D vaccines.

He reveals shocking information about how “Pfizer actually paid FDA in order to consider their vaccine…” with the amount exceeding $2.9 million.

That’s got to raise a red flag!

Dr. Hooker shares really detailed information about the serious corruption and bribery that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies are often committing and how “45% of all of the FDA's revenues come directly from pharmaceutical manufacturers like Pfizer”.

If that doesn’t concern you, I don’t know what will.

You’ll also hear from Leigh Dundas who’s a human rights attorney that has battled for truckers' and now pilots’ rights.

Not many people have heard how badly pilots were impacted by vaxx mandates but Leigh is leaving nothing to question.

What they did to those pilots is just plain WRONG.

She says that thousands were injured by the vaxx and they continued to press forward with the atrocious mandates.

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