Why Do Guys Ghost You? 17 Reasons Men Disappear On You

3 years ago

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Why Do Guys Ghost - 17 Reasons - And How To Stop It From Happening!
By: Carlos Cavallo

When a guy disappears on you it's one of the most annoying things that can happen when dating. Especially if you started liking him and thought “This one might be different!” And now all you can wonder is - Why do guys ghost?

You know the situation:

You've been talking to him for a while.
He seems really interested in you.
And then all of a sudden, POOF! He's gone.
No more texts, no more calls, he disappears off the face of the Earth.

As it turns out, there are reasons why a guy does this. And I'm going to reveal them here.

But you need to sit down and prepare yourself for the truth. The truth is my specialty, and I don't shy away from it. That's why women come to me for the real answers why they don't have the relationship they want. Or deserve.

One of these ugly truths is that you have probably ghosted someone yourself.

In fact, most of us have. Even before there was texting, people have been ghosting. I'm fairly sure that there was a caveman named Gorg that left the cave one day and never came back.

The reason that getting ghosted feels so hurtful is that you had started to awaken your own hope and desire for him, and now you feel abandoned and hurt. It can awaken a bunch of abandonment issues in you, as well as other feelings of insecurity.

Bottom line: It ain't pretty.

Some folks might tell you that it's all HIS fault. Guys are just inconsiderate and do this to women all the time.

I call this the “blame him” syndrome. It’s popular because men are often vilified as the obstacle in relationships. While guys aren’t as good at the nuts and bolts of relationships, they want a committed relationship just as much as you do.

Look, I’m not going to apologize for men’s bad behavior. There’s plenty of “bad actors” out there, for sure.

But they are NOT in the majority.

And as we know, blaming is not always the truth. In fact, it rarely is.

"If you believe that men are simply inconsiderate, you overlook the real reason why this happens and it will keep happening to you." - Carlos Cavallo

Remember I'm here to help you be successful, not lie to you!

There are two primary reasons why a man will ghost you:

He was “pushed” away
He “ran” away
Allow me to explain…

While men are often viewed as being very active in their lives, they are very frequently passive within relationships. Mostly because he feels incompetent at them. He doesn't understand how women think, or how relationships should work.

After all, relationships are fairly simple for a guy. His needs are not quite as complicated as a woman's are usually. So he usually spends most of his time trying to figure out how to make YOU happy.

As a result, men can be very “sit back and watch” when it comes to relationships. Guys aren't exactly sure what makes a relationship work, but they are fairly intuitive at figuring out if it won't work out with you.

If he feels like you're not going to mesh well with his life, he will feel “pushed” away.

And if he doesn't feel like he can make you happy, he will simply leave. This is why men “run away” from a relationship. And a big reason why he ghosts you.

We're going to avoid blaming here so that I can tell you the real truth about what men experience from women in relationships. Even if you haven't been dating all that long, these are very important for you to know.

Especially if you're having trouble getting past that first month or two of a relationship. This is a very common “wall” for women that they can't get past.

Why He Ghosts You - REASON 1: He found someone else
Might as well get the tough one out of the way right off the bat.

Most often, a man will try to date as many women as he possibly can. And then he picks the one that matches him the best. Any other women that he may have encountered in that time he simply forgets about. He'll stop texting, calling, etc.

It's not that he is actively disrespecting you. It's not that he's trying to hurt you. From his perspective, he simply is making the best choice for him and his love life.

Even if you felt like he was an awesome catch, that doesn't mean ...

For the rest, watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlosdatingguru
Why do guys ghost

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