Judges 1:5-36 “Wholehearted Trust!”

2 years ago

It shows that the tribe of Judah was not totally trusting in the promises and strength of God…
And this will mark the beginning of the downward spiral Israel will fall into…
Not trusting God, turning from Him to idols, and doing as they pleased…would become a vicious cycle for Israel.
And because of their lack of faith, they would fail to do what the Lord had sent them to do…to completely drive the inhabitants of the Promised Land out!
That lack of faith in the promises of God led them to look to their own strength and numbers to gain victory.
And, God, true to His promise gave them victory, they would take the land… The land God promised to Abraham and his descendants.
But as you will see…they would not drive the Canaanite peoples completely out.
And that would cause many problems for the Israelites.

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