[956] Exciting Disc Detainer Pick Update!

5 years ago

Here are links to all videos in the build series:

Part 1 - The pick body (LPL) [https://youtu.be/q1rYhO--TDA]
Part 2 - The control knob (BB) [https://youtu.be/Og0bLzU7cWg]
Part 3 - The tensioning “nose” (LPL) [https://youtu.be/cECT_90pgyc]
Part 4 - The tensioning handles (BB) [https://youtu.be/qJ3S3tNyBk8]
Part 5 - The pick tip (LPL) [https://youtu.be/wrd5r1TzkCM]
Part 6 - Final assembly and presentation (BB) [https://youtu.be/pelD237owcc]

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