Uninformed Consent Movie Trailer- Full 2 Part Movie Coming Soon

2 years ago

I have the joy of being executive producer of this movie done by filmmaker Todd Harris.


You can support this effort of shining the light of truth upon the COVID catastrophe by becoming a sponsor of this ground-breaking documentary.

With a minimum donation of $100, your name or that of a loved one (in honour or in memory) will be listed in the credits of this film. For a minimum donation of $250.00, businesses and organizations will have their logo displayed. Sponsors will also receive a link to view the documentary for a private online viewing. We invite you to use this opportunity to educate your family and friends.

Your donation enables Vaccine Choice Canada to accomplish our mission to empower families to make informed, voluntary decisions about their immunity, to defend our right to medical choice, and to protect a parent’s right and responsibility to make medical decisions for their children.

To become a documentary sponsor, please follow the steps listed below. Sponsorship contributions must be made before June 30th, 2022 in order to be listed in the credits of the film.

1. Make your donation on our website at:https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/donation/and select General Donation.

2. Email Wendy, the Administrative Assistant of Vaccine Choice Canada at wendy@vaccinechoicecanada.com with the specifics as to how you would like your sponsorship credit to appear at the end of film. In the email reference write: Film Sponsorship Information.
In the body of your email indicate how you would like your credit to appear.
a. First and Last Name b. First Name and Last Name Initial only c. In Honour of “The Person’s Name” d. In Memory of “The Person’s Name”

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