Opposition to Jesus and His Church | Mark 12 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago


00:00 - Welcome
00:42 - Introduction
04:10 - The three groups
07:28 - The Pharisees
14:36 - The Herodians
23:49 - The Sadducees
25:24 - Liberal Theology

There were three groups that held religious and political sway over people in Jesus’ day: the Pharisees, Herodians, and Sadducees. Normally they were not in agreement about much, but there was one thing they were united about—their opposition to Jesus and His ministry. Sadly, the same three types of groups are working today to undermine the ministry of Jesus and His True Church. We must be careful to avoid this modern version of this ungodly influence that takes the form of: religious piety, political correctness, and liberal theology.

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