When God Tore a Curtain | Mark 15 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

At the exact moment that Jesus was crucified, the Bible says that the curtain (or “veil”) in the Temple tore “from top to bottom.”  Why did that happen and what did it mean that the curtain tore “from top to bottom”?  It is an often overlooked verse in the Bible surrounding the events of the crucifixion of Christ, but it is also one of the most liberating verses in all of the Bible because it speaks of new FREEDOM for humanity.  In today’s teaching, Pastor Gary shares three significant reasons why God tore the curtain in the Temple and what it means for us today.

00:00 - Welcome
00:41 - Introduction
07:33 - Background on the Temple Curtain
09:10 - The Holy of Holies
16:45 - 3 Reasons why God tearing the curtain is so significant for us today
16:57 - 1. It ABOLISHED the intercessory role of the priesthood
22:40 - 2. It ELIMINATED the animal sacrificial system
26:59 - 3. It OPENED the way for all to come to God

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