Importing LUTs into Blender for colour correction.

4 years ago

I saw a post on Reddit where somebody had posted 10x free Netflix LUT files from a series of popular shows.
LUT (3D Lookup Tables) files are for colour correction when post-processing a video, and after looking up how to use them in Blender, I only found one video that explained it - there's plenty of content on how to colour correct in paid software like DaVinci, Filmora and Premiere - but very little for Blender: so I've tried to fill that gap for those of us using free software.
My sources are listed below, and I implore you to check them out.

Colour grading is such an important step when post-processing; it's used everywhere from documentaries to big Hollywood movies and I struggled to find a one-stop resource to show people how to do this in Blender quickly and easily.

I don't claim that this will explain everything; it's a very complicated subject, and people in the movie industries entire careers are based on knowing how to do this - I hope that this video will at least get you started on colour grading your videos, and teach you how to import .cube files into Blender so you can do your own colour correction.

Sources - (All of these are small YouTubers - PLEASE support them!):

Blender2.8x- Blender LUT import addon [_ sueomura]

10 FREE ORIGINAL NETFLIX LUTS | DaVinci Resolve, Premiere, Filmora,etc.) [Die Youtuber!]

Color grading/ color correction in Blender 3d 2.8 [JAYJAY Fx]

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