不要结交属世的朋友(warningthepeople)Don't Keep Worldly Friendship

2 years ago

原视频 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urF9LdYI1O0&t=3s

作为耶稣的门徒,我们知道,与世俗为友,就是与神为敌(恨恶上帝)。 我们不能爱两个主;我们不能同时爱世界和上帝。 我们要么恨上帝,要么恨世界。 我们都知道,交坏朋友,会败坏好的道德(林前15:34)。 不管我们在成长过程中被多虔诚的教养,也不管我们如何敬虔地养育我们的孩子,如果我们开始与不好的人交往,他们会快速败坏这一切,我们会变得像他们一样。

如果你让你的孩子上公立学校,或者你允许那些在世上的孩子与你的家人交往,你的孩子就会开始染上坏习惯。 我们必须非常小心,我们不属于这个世界。 当然,我们在这个世界上,但我们是分开的。 如果我们要为圣灵的目的被使用,如果我们要成为世界的光,我们根本不能像世界一样。

我们是否将我们的家人与他们分开了? 我们是否将自己与坏朋友分开了?或者我们是否允许坏的朋友进入我们的家,来到我们的孩子身边,我们身边,他们是否在用他们的低俗的笑话,他们的语言,他们的观点态度,他们说的、做的和想的事情来败坏我们? 我们是否保持自己不受世界的污染? 还是说,世俗的一切正掠走我们的敬虔? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Don’t Keep Worldly Friendship

As disciples of Jesus we know that friendship with the world is hatred towards God. We cannot love two masters; we cannot love the world and God at the same time. We will either hate God or we will hate the world. We also know that bad company corrupts good morals. It doesn’t matter how godly we were raised or how godly we raise our children, if we start associating with bad characters they will rub off on us, we will become like them.

Your children will start picking up bad habits if you have them in public school or if you allow children that are in the world to associate with your family. We have to be very careful that we are not of the world. Of course, we are IN the world, but we are separate. If we are going to be used for the purpose of the Holy Spirit, and if we are going to be the light of the world, we cannot be as the world at all.

Are we keeping our family separate? Are we keeping ourselves separate from bad company?Or do we allow bad company into our house, around our children, around us, and are they corrupting us with their dirty jokes, their language, their attitude, the things that they say and do and think? Are we keeping ourselves unstained from the world? Or is the world rubbing off on us? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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