Watching the Water and Censorship

2 years ago

I have posted about this censorship a few days ago ( I'm not seeing it on Rumble however)
titled "Censorship or blocking the Truth?"

I believe the Mass Censorship being perpetrated on so many people and their channels is all an attempt to STOP the truth which can help save people from the great POISONING ( my next video) which is going on Right Now!

In this video i show proof of how you can treat the water and help yourself from this attempt by our "authorities" and utility entities to poison us.

I discuss youtubes blatent
"Misinformation" accusations and the channel strikes they gave me blocking me from posting anything for 90 days.

In this video I also show PROOF that their label of me as having spread "Misinformation" is WRONG and accuses me as spreading "misinformation" when in fact I didn't- they fo zero Due Diligence and just arbitrarily accuse people- which in this day and age can have deadly ramifications. They are doing everything they can to label people terrorists ir " enemies of thr state" in order to justify the mass round up and incarceration of people- which i believe is just around the corner.
This morning my internet was licked and I am being accused of " copywrite infringements" so i don't have access to the internet.
Both microsoft and COX are part of this.

In this video
I show more than enough evidence for thr fact that my original youtube video
"Activating sod!um chlor!te for v!r@l !ssue$ "

I just got notice that Youtube is STILL holding to their " misinformation" accusation - Even though the evidence proves othereise.
So matter what- even if the SCIENCE and FACTS are on your side-
If it goes against their Great Narrative YOU will be Labeled as a Misinformer of the public.

We live in a sad world.

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