Child Trafficking Through Charities & Trusted Agencies (NCMEC, CPS, DCFS, Foster Care)

2 years ago

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Francesca continues to expose

See spot run
Let me break it down in SIMPLE language
Mission statement
@The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Mission statement
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization


The National center and John Walsh is in bed with family court, CPS child “predator” services causing children to go missing, exploits children, causes children to be sexually abused, leaves children in sexually abused and other forms of abuse household and has been the biggest fraud this nation has ever seen any police officers that actually support this are violating their oath of office to serve and protect any questions? prove me wrong!

The 1962 Family Court act established in New York against the will of the people started this, and a 1984 this lie has been propagated through NCMEC and the deceptive wall at Walmart‼️‼️‼️

This video was created by my co-host and Assistant Producer Cyndy Lee on her TikTok Channel @saynotocommunism1776_2.0
Please also follow her on YouTube:

Ask me about the Americans with Disability Act, domestic violence and child abuse in the family courts


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Ask me about the Americans with Disability Act, domestic violence and child abuse in the family courts


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TikTok @FrancesaAmato959

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