MR. NON-PC - Michael Avenatti For President!!!

2 years ago

Ahahahah!!! In one of the biggest lying libturd blunders yet!! We have the rise and extreme fall of good ol' Michael Avenatti.

Isn't it so funny how he was almost like a God to the libturds and they even wanted him to run for President lol...oh how the mighty (well not really) have fallen!

All the usual lying libturds were singing his praises from Bill Maher, to Joy Behar to Anderson Cooper and the others in the Helter Skelter Race Baiting, well...not so much haha!!!

Where is Michael Avenatti now? Oh yeah....thats right....he's going to prison for years now. But hey...the libturds might consider him even more qualified with his jail time!

Who knows....maybe with a few months served he could be out before 2024 and run for President ahahahaha!!!!


Michael Avenatti Sentenced To Prison For Being A Cheater And Fraud

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