Tucker Carlson Tonight 7 Jun 2022

2 years ago

Late upload as I was away, as I am often in the summer.
Tonight Janet Yellen, one of the more incompetent members of the IIC regime (and that's saying something) gets the spotlight. Her favorite word? "ummmm". She is truly awful. Charlie Gasparino joins Tucker to pile on.
The mom and her infant son were intentionally hit by a car driven by shitbird in a stolen car. Tonight, she joins Tucker to discuss the "punishment" he received. 5 months in Juvi. Really? REALLY?? This is nonpartisan, but completely unacceptable. She admitted she voted for him, so my sympathy meter is winding down, but Gascon has to go.
10,000 in a caravan heading to the US. Ali Bradley, an independent journalist joins Tucker to describe it.
WaPo is one of the worst places to work. Scumbags fighting scumbags over nothing. Cam Harless who wrote the joke joins Tucker to discuss this oldy but a goodie with the beneficial consequences of causing a civil war in the WaPo.
Canadian Video from "HR" lady. She is effin' nuts. Candace Owens joins Tucker and just shakes her head. Candace is awesome.

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