Speaking Up About Children With Unwed Parents- Repent and Pray to Jesus

3 years ago

In the beginning, God made Adam and Eve to be a marriage. Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. This is a short video about the statistics of children in America which is just shocking, but speaking up and pointing to God's Word is important. Fathers will be judged by God, so if this is you, please repent and tell God you want to be forgiven and live a new surrendered life and trust in Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior and Lord. Don't just fornicate and think God doesn't see your sin. Jesus even knows your thoughts and calls lust in your imagination is adultery, so all have sinned. Jesus can set you free!

Confess and forsake the sin and start reading the Bible every day to let your Heavenly Father tell you what to do. Only those who obey God's will get to go to heaven. Hell is eternal, and you don't want to go there. If she has been married before, run from the adultery and read the book of Proverbs. A divorced woman is still married in God's eyes, so you are committing adultery with another man's wife. God will not be mocked, you reap what you sow. Jesus will forgive you and help you to go and sin no more. The time to repent is now!!!!!

Herman Cain was a very wonderful Christian family man- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ7BbpDnd_4

Portrait of the Black Family- http://saveus.org/wp-content/uploads/2017portraitoftheblackfamily.pdf

A. Marriage is a creation ordinance. Gen. 2:21-24
B. Marriage is for life (permanent). Matt. 19:1-6 & Mk. 10:1-9
C. Marriage creates “one flesh” from God’s viewpoint. Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:5-6, Mk. 10:7-8
D. Marriage cannot be dissolved from God’s viewpoint. Matt. 19:6, Mk. 10:9
E. Marriage is to be an earthly model of the relationship of Eph. 5:30-32, Hos. 2:16, 19-20
Christ and His church and of God to Israel.
F. Marriage is a solemn covenant vowed before God. Eccl. 5:4-7

A. Husband and wife are to be mutually submitted, one to the other, in the fear of God. Eph. 5:21
B. Wives are to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord and respect them. Eph. 5:22-24, 5:33
C. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the Church, and give themselves for her. Eph. 5:25
D. Marriage is a “great mystery” of heaven being lived out to the glory of God on earth. Eph. 5:32

A. God does not recognize man’s civil divorces for spiritual purposes because the two are “one flesh” which “God hath joined.” Matt. 19:6, Mk. 10:8-9, Rom. 7:2-3, I Cor. 7:39

B. Civil divorces under mans’ law are due exclusively to “hardness of heart,” are not God’s will, nor are they sanctioned by God the Father or Christ the Son. Matt. 19:7-8, Mk. 10:11-12, Rom. 7:2-3, I Cor. 7:39

C. Civil divorces under mans’ law serve only to protect the social order on earth required by the hardness of men’s hearts. God does not “wink” at or excuse divorce just because the law of man permits it. Deut. 24:1, Matt. 19:8

D. A true follower of Christ is not free to divorce for any cause, including adultery. Neither, from God’s viewpoint, are unbelievers, for they also were made “one flesh” by God. I Cor. 7:10, I Cor. 7:39

E. If there is adultery after consummation of the marriage, forgiveness is mandatory. If the guilty party is unrepentant or repeats, forgiveness is still required regardless of whether there is full reconciliation of relationship. This is the higher N.T. standard. Matt. 6:14-15, I Cor. 7:10-11, Col. 3:12-13

F. Divorce is an act of treachery against one’s spouse but a treasonous act against the Kingdom of God. Mal. 2:13-17

G. God hates divorce! God’s hatred of divorce is not primarily due to the unfathomable pain it causes to the parties and their family, but to the damage it does to HIS Kingdom on earth. It perverts the godly seed. Mal. 2:15-16

H. God will not consider or bless a person, people, congregation, ministry or nation that hardens the heart in divorce, unless there is true repentance. Mal. 2:13-17

I. Is there any exception to God’s clear prohibition of divorce? Yes... but only if “pornea” or fornication is discovered at the time of the consummation of the marriage that had previously been undisclosed. This “exception” is only mentioned in the book of Matthew, which scholars believe was written to a Jewish audience. Matt. 5:32, Matt. 19:9

This was the Jewish marriage practice and is affirmed by God in the relationship between Christ and the church. At this time, professing Christians and Israel are “married” in the sense of exchanging vows, but the marriage has not been consummated. Paul declares, he seeks to “present you a chaste virgin to Christ” (II Cor. 11:2).

But if we are not chaste (walking in holiness and purity) at Christ’s coming, He can “put us away” for pornea or Spiritual fornication. There is no blanket exception permitting divorce for adultery. This is the only interpretation that brings consistency to the entire Scripture.

A. Remain unmarried, or I Cor. 7:10-11
B. Be reconciled to your spouse I Cor. 7:11


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