Worldly Wealth for Heavenly Good | Luke 16 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

In an unfamiliar parable told only by Luke, Jesus wants us to understand that money and material things by themselves are not bad. In fact, they can and should be used for good… just don’t love stuff as much or more than you love God. Pastor Gary shares five important principles from this parable about the role that money and material possessions play in the life of a Believer who wants to honor God as Lord of everything.
00:00 - Welcome
00:42 - Introduction
12:32 - Money and material things by themselves are not bad…
15:26 - 1) We are all accountable for how we manage what God has entrusted to us
21:54 - 2) Sometimes unbelievers are wiser with their money than Christians
24:54 - 3) Our good management of money can be a testimony to unbelievers
32:19 - 4) God entrusts much to those who are faithful with little
35:34 - 5) Make God your Master and money your servant

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