Midweek Bible Study | Judges 17-18 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

An in-depth study of Judges 17-18.

00:00 - Welcome
00:42 - Introduction
01:54 - Bible scholars believe that chapters 17-21 were added as an Epilogue to Judges to highlight the spiritual confusion and sinful condition in Israel at that time.
03:32 - Key Verse: “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
14:13 - 1) God is King and everyone should do what is right in HIS eyes.
16:32 - 2) It’s possible to be sincere, but sincerely wrong
20:21 - 3) God expects us to follow his lead rather than us expecting Him to bless our lead
24:05 - Nature reserve at Tel Dan (Laish)
25:04 - The remnants of the altar at Tel Dan (Laish)
31:07 - 4) “Gods” that can be “taken away” are no “gods” at all
34:17 - 5) Isolation makes us vulnerable to the Enemy

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