Is Yellow-Eyed Leftist HR Reptilian Demon Possessed?

2 years ago

She appears to be satanic as you can plainly see in this video. So much so that you have to wonder if the Canadian HR recruiter Tammy (Serpent?) Sepetis who posted a chilling video on TikTok has been possessed by the devil. In her extreme leftist anger she threatens to check social media for any hint that prospects display the slightest bit of conservatism, such as showing support for the Canadian Freedom Convoy, and then ruin their careers if she deems them politically guilty. Unfortunately for Sepetis, it was her extreme stupidity that caused her to post her vitriolic video on social media which appears to cause the self-destruction of her own career. Karmatic Kickback.

Although some might recommend mental help or mood altering drugs for her, I believe Sepetis is waaaaay beyond that. For what appears to be demonic possession, only a full scale exorcism would do although she is probably too far gone for that. The scary thing is that the same type of demonic possession also infects many other on the left. And after the November elections in the USA, we will see many, many more of that ilk possessed by the devil.

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