The Mushroom Speaks (Again)!

4 years ago

Picking up where we left off last week, this time we will discuss the Gnosis along with deeper pontifications and greater elucidations (for your edification and amusement) of familiar subjects.
We will take a look at chaos mathematics, weigh the validity of the psychedelic experience as a catalyst to spiritual experience, and try to extricate ourselves from the ism-schism game.
There is an equation that we will discuss that communicates succinctly the most powerful and important expression of truth that the Universe has to offer. This will be a highlight. There is a link to a video that explains this equation in detail below.
We will briefly talk about the potential for artistic expression, and why it is worth the tedious effort required to incorporate this knowledge into art. We will use the prog-metal band "Tools" and their recent "Fear Inoculum" album as an example of this. Link to a more detailed elucidation on this uber-nerdy (rockstar also contains its contradiction) subject below.
We will use Instagram's controversial new "terms of use" agreement as a launching pad for our political musings. Rant. Whatever. Politics sucks. let's talk.
The world is looking more and more like an Orwellian take on the film, "Idiocracy," (Idiocracy 1984) The need for a collective Third Eye Pry has never been more obvious.
And we have never been more capable. We have access to tremendous amounts of information. We have entheogens. Yoga. Meditation. We knows these tools work because we have watched each other transform. And, because science.
It's easier than ever to make informed decisions so that you can invest in conscious businesses, owned by truly forward thinking people. Many of these business are among the top investment opportunities of the moment, both short, and long-term. In the midst of crisis, there is always opportunity.
By empowering ourselves we find ourselves in a position to empower others. This is the all too obvious secret to creating a new paradigm.
But there are challenges. Many people are stuck. Stuck in political indoctrination. Stuck in religion. Stuck even in culture.
The complexity of our psychology, combined with the nature of the mechanisms thereof, represents a significant hurdle. Deprogramming isn't actually very hard, and most people can learn to do it to themselves, but they must agree to it. That's the hard part.
The elite in many countries appear to be feeding into the division and disharmony, rather than attempting to unify people. We have some battles ahead of us.
And so...I will eat some Panaeolus Cyanescens, (twice as much as last week) and we will talk about all of this stuff.
The equation:
Tool's "Fear Innocculum" hidden occult secrets:

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