CBS Broadcast Associate Reveals “Cheap” Way of ‘Fact Checking’ Their Network’s Own Reporting

2 years ago

Mike Mulford, fact checker at CBS, explains his approach when he receives a fact check writing assignment: he Googles the relevant topic with "CBS" at the end. If he finds a relevant search result, he considers his research and verification work to be done. He'll just claim whatever the article claims and cite that article as 'proof'.

He says,

"Money reigns supreme at the end of the day. Money over morals is how it is. One of the reasons I want to leave is because it is not really as impartial as it had been... Like picking a side or leaning one way."


"The civil duty that I kind of thought that I was going to get out of it, like the reward of telling people what's going on, I just haven't felt."

Mulford isn't "telling people what's going on", just what his pimps want him to tell.

James O'Keefe confronts Mulford with his statements and quotes:

"The discipline of verification is what separates journalism from all other forms of communication such as propaganda, advertising, fiction or entertainment. The Society of Professional Journalists say you need multiple sources for verification."

Multiple sources, however, wouldn't have solved the propaganda problem, because you could just use only other propagandists with aligned interests as sources, such as Reuters, CNN, etc. The result would be the same propaganda, only it would be a tiny bit more work.

It has become abundantly clear that (almost) all mainstream print/internet/TV media, CBS included, don't consider journalism to be their mission. Their goal is profit maximization and advocacy, not informing the public with unbiased journalism. They use propaganda and entertainment disguised as journalism as the means to execute their mission.

That citizens think they are consuming journalism instead of propaganda, is largely their own fault/naiveté. (I was guilty of this too until about 18 months ago.) It's just moderately less naive than believing each and every (implicit) claim in an advertisement.

The source, such as CBS, is conditioning you to believe and do what THEY want you to believe and do, not what is True so you can make up your own mind.

Mulford and all other 'fact checkers' don't check facts, but opinions. Their reference is not the Truth, but the opinions that are in their organization's best interest.

"Those who do not read the news are uninformed. Those that do are misinformed." ― Mark Twain


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