What are you SAYING Again and Again? - Renewed Mama Podcast Episode 11

2 years ago

You can try to cover up a lot of things, but you can’t cover up what comes out of your mouth…what you say. Can you?

The truth is that your mouth tells what is in your heart, and what is in your heart is going to come out of your mouth. Luke 6:45

You might cover up or look good on the outside for a little while, but just as soon as you get frustrated or stressed, it comes out of your mouth because it’s in your heart, meaning it’s been in your thoughts.

In this podcast episode, we talk about how the words you speak again and again are powerful in two ways: (1) Death or life is in your tongue. Proverbs 18:21 and (2) Your words steer your life.

Let's keep the conversation going! Leave your comments & questions on the blog! https://speaklifebadges.com/what-are-you-saying-again-and-again/


If you need help with what is going on in your thoughts. If you want to change some stinkin’ thinkin’, listen to Episode 10 Your THOUGHTS are a Pretty Big Deal https://speaklifebadges.com/your-thoughts-are-a-pretty-big-deal/

And download the free "What's in Your Word Bank?" guide by visiting https://speaklifebadges.com/whats-in-your-word-bank-our-words/
This guide will help you to evaluate your thoughts and figure out what is the truth you should be thinking.

Episode 12 Tell Me No More Lies
Watch this video with your children to learn how to spot lies you may be telling yourself. Kimberly uses two lies as examples: “It’s too hard. I can’t do this.” and “I don’t belong.”
You’ll learn seven questions to ask yourself to break off lies. You’ll learn how to keep truth rooted in your heart and mind so that you act in full confidence and become who you are meant to be.

There is also a free activity fun sheet that you and your children can color and fill out while watching the video.

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/speaklifebadges

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/austinskidsclub
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/austinskidsclub/

Sign your child up to receive Austin the Hedgehog's mailbox surprises each month at https://austinskidsclub.com/

The music used for this podcast was composed by Gop Intarachot and accompanied by Emmanuel Songsore.

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