How To Root Fig Tree Cuttings | Best Method For Fig Propagation

4 years ago

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In this video Chad goes over his recommended technique for rooting fig cuttings. This method is tried and true and should work almost 100% of the time assuming the cutting is healthy and no human error is involved.


Partial Transcript (youtube won't let us fit the whole thing):

00:00:00 - 00:00:27
Hey, guys, Welcome to another episode of plant fanatics. Sorry for my, you know, semi long absence. Uh, we've actually been working on a project which we're going to release to you guys here pretty soon. Um, so stay tuned for that video. But today I want to talk to you guys about rooting fig cuttings. Um, and what's the best way to go about doing that? Just for your average everyday home gardener? Um, so let's go ahead and get right into that.

00:00:36 - 00:01:19
Alright, guys, So you can see behind me here All of my fig cuttings that I've done this year, there's, like, 30 something different varieties. You can see they're all growing healthy and well on, but hasn't been very long. Maybe a month or so. Ah, but the reason that I'm talking about these is because I want you to see that what I do works. I'm not just telling you guys to do something that I've never done before. Um, So anyway, let's get right into it. So first thing that you're gonna want to dio is get some sort of container to put the medium in, That you're gonna be rooting the figs with I like to get these party cups. You get them at any of your local stores and I just simply drill a hole in the bottom.

00:01:19 - 00:01:46
The hole in the bottom is very, very important. If you don't allow drainage, then your cuttings, they're gonna rot. There's gonna be too much water going on in the cups, even if you just moisten the soil beforehand. I still recommend having a hole in the bottom just as a safety precaution. You never know. Throughout the routing process, you might need the water you're cutting if you don't have a hole in the bottom you're not gonna be able to do that is gonna be very difficult, uh, to moderate how much water is in there.

00:01:47 - 00:02:20
So get a party cup or any container you have lying around the house. Drill a hole in it. The second step is we're gonna need a soil medium. I highly recommend getting a seed starter mix from your local department store, Lowe's Home Depot. Any garden center. They're all gonna have seed starting mix. I know it's called seed starting mix, but it's also great for doing cuttings. The soil doesn't have as much microbial life or fertilizers in the soil. Eso is gonna be great for doing cuttings. We don't want too much going on. Keep it simple,

00:02:21 - 00:03:02
um, and allow that cutting to root with the least amount of interruptions possible if we start. If we use regular potting soil, there's a lot of things that could go wrong. You're gonna get a lot of mold in the soil. Um, you know if it's too moist. Uh, there's a lot of living microbes in that soil, which is great. A living soil is a healthy soil, but we want as simple as possible in the seed starting mix Isa, simple as it can possibly get. It holds enough moisture to get that cutting to start rooting. But it doesn't hold too much moisture to the point where it's going to rot. So it's the perfect thing. I highly suggest doing that, okay, and then the third thing that you're gonna need,

00:03:03 - 00:03:50
it's not actually necessary. A fig cutting is very easy to root. You can root the fig cutting without having rooting hormone. However, I highly recommend getting the rooting hormone because rooting hormone has, uh, anti fungus properties to it. Anti fungal properties. It's gonna keep fungus from growing under the soil on your cutting, and that's gonna be very important in the health of a cutting and making sure that you get your chances of success way up. So I highly recommend getting a rooting hormone E. Just use this garden safe. Take root. Um, says grow. Grow new plants from cuttings. Uh, it has the anti fungal properties. It's a little powder, so you're just gonna I'll show you how to use that in a second.

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