Scott Ritter. Ex-UN Weapons Inspector and Former US Intelligence Officer. Is he your kind of Guru?

2 years ago

It's a minefield out there, trying to cut through the bull. These are my own opinions, I don't base anything on fact, and it's always up to you to make your mind up.

I don't beg for money in my videos. Keep it and have a pint or two with it on me. 👍

First two clips, courtesy of KASKAD TV

Scott Ritter
William Scott Ritter Jr.

If you have sites and contacts for Scott Ritter, let me know, and I'll include them here for others to access

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Map Source Clip:

Gonzalo Lira, Gonzallo Lira, Styxhexenhammer666, Jackson Hinkle, News, Current Affairs, Rightwing News, Leftwing News, Center News, News, World News, Debate, US News, UK News, Ukraine News, Ukraine, Donbas, Zelenskyy, Zelensky, Biden, Trump, Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, Labour, Boris, #whichguru #scottritter #ukrainenews

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