⚠️ UPDATE: The World Health Assembly meeting 🌐

2 years ago

To be clear no one is saying that the WHO is good. WHO = BAD 🤡

In short, the fear merchants in our community way oversold how dire this meeting would actually be. The issues that people had were clarified, this is positive news in relation to any pandemic treaties. Millie explains where things stand in her video & description below.

Link to original video 👉 https://www.instagram.com/tv/CeicrS7FZ3H/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

#WHO #NWO #Treaty


The International Health Regulations did not go through as expected at the World Health Assembly on the 22-28th of May 2022. Excellent news for us in relation to any future pandemic treaties.

The World Health Organisation has no further power or influence over this country any more than they did before the World Health Assembly.

The USA drafted more proposed amendments agreed to by Australia and many other countries, that were then presented to the World Health Assembly on May 24th 2022 clarifying our concerns surrounding sovereignty:

Before the World Health Assembly, an abundance of people were overly confident feeding blatant misrepresentations of the proposed W.H.O. legislation online only to be silent now that none of the doomsday predictions came true… Go figure.

As usual, absolutely no one who jumped up and down on this bandwagon before the election followed up / apologised / demonstrated what’s actually taken place contrary to their previous claims.

Not only does this show a lack of sincerity from those complicit given that all of the obnoxious / volatile / hysterical voices that were quick to target anyone who attempted to be a voice of reason haven’t even bothered to keep track of their perceived grievance accurately (if at all), but it shows a lack of integrity as well because there has been no personal accountability or acknowledgement of what has truly taken place at the World Health Assembly with respect to putting everyone you personally panicked at ease.

Anyone on the other side of the fence who witnessed the uproar in this community over a perfectly timed false premise with no supporting evidence is now going to have a very difficult time believing us in the future when sh*t does genuinely hit the fan. Congratulations, if you’re someone who deliberately refused to listen to reason and instead spread false information for personal gain: You cried wolf when you knew better at the expense of our credibility, and shamelessly demoralised people before the federal election. Now everyone with a brain knows it.

Doing the right thing means putting the work in to research and understand your claims before insisting on having an opinion in a turbulent space that may destroy the lives of its recipients who look to you for encouragement and guidance.

I can only hope no one else took their own lives through the experience of thinking that the UN was going to put us all into camps on May 22nd because of uneducated, negligent fear merchants.

I’d like to say let’s never repeat this mistake again, but at this point it wouldn’t shock me if it requires too much depth of character for those responsible to take it on the chin and do better next time. But ask yourself, where are the people who sold you the lie to begin with? …

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