VD 1-2 MEET & GREET Kari Lake. Video by George Nemeh

1 year ago

MAAP REAL PRESENTS: June 5th 2022 MEET & GREET Kari Lake Josh Barnett Christian Lamar
Candidate For Governor Kari Lake wrote: “Our Spirit of 1776 event was so special! Arizona is so lucky to have folks that open their homes to America First Candidates & help fuel our Movement to preserve our Western Heritage. There is so much love in everything we do! Thank you to everyone that pitches in time & money to help us out. We really appreciate it, more than you know”. MAAP REAL PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS: Beautiful evening of Fundraising in North Phoenix Cave Creek with the incredible and amazing Patriots In Meet & Greet Candidates and families from the area across the board, after their speeches they took the hard questions from the voters. The hostess was Cindy. School board was Paul Carver. Jackie Uhlmer Scott Brown. Shiry Sapir Jana Jackson Christian Lamar. Josh Barnett and Kari lake. MAAP
Kari Lake

Kari is well known as former anchor at Fox 10 News in Phoenix for 22 years. She left her role to become a candidate for AZ Governor running on a platform of common sense conservatism dedicated to individual liberties, low taxes, limited regulation, and protecting Arizona's Western heritage. She has been endorsed by President Trump for her positions on the border and election integrity and will make her case to be the next Governor of Arizona.

REAL TALK SHOW Copyrights 2022 Producer Director Host George Nemeh

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