GPS#34 - Hanging With Mr. Booker

2 years ago

On the 34th episode of the Garbage Pail Skids; We discuss the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial verdict, Old TV shows, John Wayne's "acting skills", Why is everyone British in fantasy?, Movies that sit on a shelf for years before release, People being offended by dumb things, Charles Booker or Kentucky's hyperbolic campaign ad, Softening language to protect people's feelings, How do you feel about tipping?, Minimum wage, Government Black budgets, You can just drive away from cops in Washington state!?!, Activists suck!!

Opening Theme -
Title: Garage - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena (No Copyright Music)
Video Link:
Genre Music: Rock - Country

Velvet Alley Designs -

#gps #garbagepailskids #podcast #comedy #politics #police #washingtonstate #wa #government #blackbudget #johnnydepp #amberheard #trial #courtroom #judge #lawenforcement #johnwayne #films #hollywood #filmmaking #movies #tv #television #cancelculture #twitter #socialmedia #sitcom #charlesbooker #democrats #republicans #senate #houseofrepresentatives #fuel #gas #gasprices #oilprices #inflation #hyperinflation #minimumwage #outsourcing #outsource #humphreybogart #casablanca #maltesefalcon #30s #20s #40s #50s #60s #language #softeninglanguage #linguistics #

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