Best place to buy rare fig varieties!

4 years ago

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Want to buy a fig tree or cuttings? Head to our new companies website below! ↓ ↓



00:00:00 - 00:00:16
Hey, guys. Thanks for tuning into the video. So if you watch my videos, you may have noticed that I took about a four month hiatus. Sorry about that. But I have exciting news. We've been working on something big. We haven't been sitting around on the couch eating potato chips. Okay.

00:00:17 - 00:01:03
We launched a company called the American Fig Company. It's all things figs. We sell a bunch of different fig cuttings were adding to that every single day. We're constantly working on things, and we also built this awesome greenhouse, which is kind of the headquarters of the American fig Company, where it's a 24 7 thing. I'm in zone seven, but I've got figs grown outside. I take the cuttings, I root the cuttings and I offer them to you guys so that you guys can get the best varieties of figs at affordable prices. Okay, in the past, people are selling you cuttings for $7500. That's unrated. Okay. We want to bring all these rare varieties of figs to you for an affordable price. Okay? It's not gonna break the pocketbook. We know that plants are in addiction.

00:01:03 - 00:01:41
Okay? I've spent so much money on plants, including things like this greenhouse, like plant fanatics are insane. So I want to bring these plants to you for an affordable price. I highly recommend that you check out our site. Any support is awesome and much appreciated. Um, and if something, if a variety that you want is not available right now, that's okay. You can still sign up. Uh, you can preorder your fig and then whenever it's ready, we'll ship it out to you. So that way you can get your hands on one for sure. So don't freak out. If it says you know some things out for the season or whatever, you can still preorder the item.

00:01:42 - 00:02:12
But that's what we've been working on. I'm gonna give you guys a little tour of the greenhouse and everything and show you some pictures on by another. In another video about the greenhouse specifically, um, about the steps that we went through. Um, I'm gonna talk to you about the heating system that we used. There's really not a lot of information on that sort of thing. I came to find out Sorry about the water droplets. It's starting to rain, but anyway, that's what we've been working out working on. Check us out the American fig company, Uh,

00:02:13 - 00:02:42
and support us. Guys, we really wanna bring you as many fig varieties is possible for an affordable price. That way, you're not always having to, you know, you spend every last dollar that you have to get some of these rare fig varieties. I promise you, if you support us, we're gonna keep moving forward. We're gonna take that immediate big hit, and we're gonna give it to you guys for an affordable price. So thanks so much for your support thus far. If you haven't already subscribe to the channel, we're gonna put out great content. And thanks for watching guys.

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