How a pharmacist became a Marxist - My intellectual journey from Republican → Liberal → Marxist

2 years ago

I’m sure many of you have been wondering why I’ve become so political over the past year, why I created this channel, and how I became a reader. This is my personal conversion story- my intellectual journey from Republican/Libertarian → Liberal → Independent/Progressive → Anarchist → Marxist. How I clawed my way out of the uncritical one-dimensional neoliberal bourgeois propaganda

0:00 - Intro
0:22 - South Dakota, Reactionary Republican, High School
1:54 - Minnesota, Liberal Democrat, College
3:11 - Pharmacy School, Insurance Industry, Managed Care Pharmacy
7:40 - Bernie Sanders, Universal Healthcare, Progressive, Independent
12:00 - Residency, San Francisco Health Plan, Real World
12:51 - Intellectual Dark Web, Jordan Peterson, US Wars, Chomsky
15:24 - RadLib, Libertarian Anarchist, Propaganda, Economics
17:40 - Left Economics, Marxism, Socialism, Radicalization
19:58 - Communist Manifest, Class Analysis
20:46 - Ideology, Superstructure, Neoliberalism, Ideological State Apparatus, Imperialism
23:03 - Being a Marxist Pharmacist, Alienation, My Project to Raise Class Consciousness

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