Esther Fast From 01/02 /2021 Sunset To 01/05/2021 Sunset

4 years ago

Esther Fast
Esther Fast

You've reached 323-487-2726 or DAD 4 USA PBN
This is dave orts founder of Push Back Now

You have likely heard about the MAGA March in Washington DC
President Trump invited us all to go to DC for and I quote "a wild time"

Well, my wife Michelle has had a great Idea and we're doing it!

Michelle's idea is the first 2021 Global Esther Fast with our facebook groups Push back Now, Political Prayer chain and our newest group on facebook Strike Team Trump

Here is how the 2021 Global Esther Fastworks
The fast starts:
¦Starts January 2nd 2021 at Sunset and
¦Ends January 5th 2021 at Sunset -- your local time
This is Liquids fast so /Broth/Juice/Water/Tea/Coffee are all fine!
Anyone may jump in and participate at any point.
It's NOT TOO LATE to participate even the fast has started!

here is why we're doing this CALL TO ACTION
ALL Saints of EVERY Christian denomination
who Love Father God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit and for all who desire True FREEDOM in Christ, Globally in every nation:

We Are Seeking His Throne of Grace in time of need in order to obtain Mercy for our US Republic and for the lawful, Constitutional and Divinely ordained choice for POTUS45 President Donald J. Trump to remain in The White House serving The Lord Jesus and subsequently We The People, for FOUR More Years

FAST & PRAY together: We are called to Fast & Pray 3 days (72hrs)
Don't forget to join our groups
Push Back Now
Political Prayer chain
and Strike Team Trump
And like our PushBackNow page

If you would like to friend us on Facebook we'd love to be friends
/DaveOrts and michelleorts.7 and let us know you listened to the VM message

We would love to hear from you if you have a news tip or experience you want to share so call us anytime and leave a message at 323-487-2726 or DAD 4 USA PBN

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