WEF: Admittance C-19 Never Isolated & Identified

2 years ago

At the World Economic Forum Conference, Moderna admitted:

✅Without a virus sample in their hands, we took the gene sequence published by China and developed a vaccine.
✅So we made a vaccine based on computer modeling.
✅So the virus has never been isolated.

As usual, they lied. As they did with all vaccines. No virus, live or dead has ever been isolated. Germ Theory is a hoax that made and still makes Big Pharma trillions a year. The toxins in the vaccines cause similar negative effects that they then name this or that disease and then create new vaccines to supposedly fight against that disease.
Each vaccine has the same toxic ingredients that create similar negative effects in the body. Some will cause shingles, some blindness, deafness, paralysis of the legs and so on. They will then call the effects a new disease. See how it works? This has been going on since hundreds of years.

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