SCOTUS Roe Leaker Fallout: Justices Won’t Eat Lunch Together Anymore

2 years ago

The MR crew talks to Matt Ford a writer from the New Republic regarding SCOTUS and the conflict the Alito leak has caused among Justices. The Majority Report crew discuss with Ford about Roe v Wade potentially being overturned and the consequences that would bring legally. The MR crew also talk about the honesty in the Alito draft leak and how it could be applied to other cases.

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If they come up with who the leaker was, they’re going to drop it in the third week of august when you know there’s no- all the SCOTUS reporters are on vacation. I get the sense they want to be quiet about it. Do we have a real sense of what the friction is? It seems to me that is contingent upon who leaked it. Right? If it’s the liberal justices' clerks someone is going to be banned, if its one of the conservative justices' clerks, I would imagine John Roberts is going to be very very angry at that person.

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