Creating prosperity with the help of your Chakras.

2 years ago

Creating prosperity with the help of your Chakras.

Over the last 22 years, I have worked with 10000’s clients.

I discovered that the more financially successful and secure my client was, the more expanded their chakra system appeared.

I asked myself, which comes first?

The chicken or the egg?

Was their chakra system so strong and expanded because these clients had financial security, or did their money keep flowing because they had a healthy chakra system to start with?

I suspect it’s a bit of both.

The opposite also became evident: clients who were constantly in struggle street had chakra systems that were tighter, denser, and more stuck.

(For those of you who aren’t familiar with chakras, simply swap the words chakra system for the nervous system. The same story applies)

In 2018, I began working with clients privately and in group training to expand and strengthen their nervous systems so they were able to hold more abundance.

To this day, I regularly receive rave messages from these clients about how their finances changed.

Incredible opportunities opened for them, and while some clients experienced failures, they always bounced back and came back stronger.

That’s the thing about life, setbacks do happen, but a lot of people never return from setbacks; whereas, my clients did and reached a new place of wealth and accomplishments.

Today, I want to share three powerful practices to help you accelerate your prosperity.

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