Chrono Cross Remaster #6

2 years ago

After our dramatic escape from Viper Manor the team is a bit worse for wear. Chrono wakes up from being knocked unconscious in a strange bed and Kid takes ill owing to her recent injuries.

We accept a quest to help save her by finding a Hydra Humour. The only problem is Hydras have long since died out ... in this reality anyway...

Full Chrono Cross The Radical Dreamers Playlist:

Check out our Mario channel as well:

0:00 - Intro
00:12 - Waking From Unconsciousness
01:01 - Kid's Down for the Count
6:28 - Accepting the Mission to Save Kid
8:07 - Exploring Guldove
16:18 - Meeting With Shaman Direa
20:00 - A Quick Trip to Termina
31:55 - Searching for the Last Hydra

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