Econo Alchemist | Burn the Bridge With Self Custody #8

1 year ago


Joining me today is Econoalchemist.

Econo Alchemist is a solid Bitcoiner who has made some excellent contributions on his website with a focus on self-custody, censorship resistance and building a non-kyc bitcoin on-ramp. You can follow him on twitter @econoalchemist to find more of his work.

In this show we have an extremely insightful conversation about the following topics.

-What inspired him to focus so much on bitcoin self-custody and censorship resistance.
-What he thinks about coin-joining KYC (Know Your Customer) bitcoin.
-Why he is an avid user and proponent of samurai wallet.
-Outlining the process of self custody for a new-coiner.
-I also ask about some recommendations he would have for someone moving to a mobile lifestyle to secure their bitcoin.

Here are some of the resources we mention in this episode:

-Learn more about Cold Card hardware wallet:
-Learn more about Samourai wallet for desktops and androids
-Learn more about Ronin Dojo

I hope you enjoy this episode.

With The Bitcoin Path, my goal is to grow my understanding about Bitcoin and help others do the same with podcasts and private events. In the podcasts I get to sit down for deep discussions with some of the great people in the community. The events give you the opportunity to go deeper down the rabbit hole in a compressed amount of time with personal guidance from well respected Bitcoin educators.

Check out all the other upcoming events here:

*Intro and outro music is the song Hearts, graciously licensed to us by Blackbird Blackbird. Be sure to check out his other great songs on Spotify!

Until next time, may you live a meaningful life and enjoy your freedom as a sovereign individual.

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