Train trip through the Swiss Alps

4 years ago

Train trip through the Swiss Alps 🚉🇨🇭 🌬️🏔️🚉❄️⛄🇨🇭
The Alpine region of Switzerland, conventionally referred to as the Swiss Alps, represents a major natural feature of the country and is, along with the Swiss Plateau and the Swiss portion of the Jura Mountains, one of its three main physiographic regions.
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Translated titles:
Viaje en tren por los Alpes suizos

Zugfahrt durch die Schweizer Alpen

Voyage en train à travers les Alpes suisses

Togtur gennem de schweiziske alper

Treinreis door de Zwitserse Alpen

Junamatka Sveitsin Alppien läpi

Turas traenach trí Alpa na hEilvéise

Viaggio in treno attraverso le Alpi svizzere

Zuchrees duerch d'Schwäizer Alpen

Togtur gjennom de sveitsiske Alpene

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