You'd Expect a Place Called "Ala Mhigo" to Be Friendlier - Final Fantasy XIV Online [Part 51]

2 years ago

You can typically expect FFXIV streams every Tuesday between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM PST

This series is my playthrough of the free trial of FFXIV Online. From character creation and hopefully to the logical end of the freely available content.This is a trade with Silent Companion, who will be on call for future recording sessions we do together.


Well I have to admit, I'm kinda blanking on some of the things we were actually doing last week. I believe we had a few avenues of quests to do, even some levequests to take care of in a newly-arrived part of Thanalan. That's probably gonna be where we start this session. If there's time, then I imagine we might also look into the mainline quests from the Scions. I hope you guys enjoy the stream. Have a good one!

- Todoh


Oh, and if you'd like to help support small-timers like us, we'd appreciate you stopping by our Ko-fi page down there. Thanks in advance.

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