Are We Living in a Sexagarchy? | Guest: Kyle Rittenhouse | 6/7/22

2 years ago

Joe Biden has a very optimistic view of how America’s economy is going right now. The CDC is trying to make us wear masks again. The January 6 committee will be airing the trials on prime-time television. Three U.S. senators are demanding answers from the FBI regarding 25 Afghan refugees who have been allowed into the United States despite known security risks. Another caravan is on its way from South America. Christian baseball players are under attack because they removed the LGBTQ colors from their uniforms. A new study may have uncovered the cure for cancer! Democrats are using the recent shooting to push for gun control and criticize republicans for defending the Second Amendment. Kyle Rittenhouse joins the show to talk about gun rights. There is an eerie similarity between Venezuela's timeline and what is happening in America today. A leftist shares her journey to becoming a conservative. Will Elon Musk succeed in buying Twitter?

Disclaimer: The content of this clip does not provide medical advice. Please seek the advice of local health officials for any COVID-19 and/or COVID vaccine related questions & concerns.

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