Joy Garner's Control Group Expert Witness: Dr. Douglas Hulstedt, M.D. - Courageous Doctor...

2 years ago

Joy Garner's Control Group Expert Witness: Dr. Douglas Hulstedt, M.D. - Courageous Doctor Attacked By Medical Board | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/3/22

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Last week, Lost Arts Radio had the honor of a visit from Joy Garner, creator of The Control Group project ( Joy's team is bringing legal action against President Joe Biden to stop all federal mandates forcing Americans to risk certain injury or death by injection with the poisoned death shot, aka the COVID-19 vaccine ( An expert witness for the Control Group is Dr. Douglas Hulstedt, M.D. (, a pediatrician and general practitioner in Monterey, California. The state medical board is attacking Dr. Hulstedt with bizarre allegations, connected to his having been brave enough to write a well-justified medical vaccine exemption years ago for a child patient. Dr. Hulstedt and the Control Group project deserve your support. Learn more about why on this weekend's show. Dr. Hulstedt and Joy Garner will be there.

To understand why Joy Garner's "Control Group" project is one of the most important and valuable scientific health studies ever done, it is helpful to remember that in most parts of the world, "health" care has become a sickness industry, a business model built on using deception to keep the population sick, so everyone becomes a customer for life. Profits are maximized when people get slowly sicker and sicker, coming back for more poisonous "medicine" and damaging "procedures" as their conditions get worse. This works best if people are "educated" to believe that their suffering is caused by things totally out of their control like bad luck, germs, genetics or simply no cause at all. The harm that medicine is causing is defined as extremely rare unavoidable side effects, and when none of these things make sense, we are told to "trust the science." The mass hypnosis required to make any of this nonsense acceptable to the public, and to keep real health information hidden, is the job of the "educational" system, the media, programmed entertainment and corporate propaganda.

In each country the style of how this system works varies, but most have certain elements in common. In the U.S., since the Flexner Report scam of 1910 done by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations, this insane system of toxic "medicine' has been taking over, and now it has power over people and governments that is unprecedented in our history. The idea of injecting cocktails of toxic substances into the body to prevent disease has been a deadly scam since Jenner in about 1796, but the belief that this procedure is "safe and effective is one that is now being enforced worldwide, causing massive disability and death.

Obviously, our criminal "health" agencies, whose job is to promote these crimes against humanity and cover up the truth, are not going to expose what vaccines really do, or their real effect on our health. A regular person, scientifically literate and with the skills required to do such an honest study, would have to do it. Joy Garner actually got it done. The results are of such massive importance, they may be hard for many of us to fully grasp. Joy Garner returns to Lost Arts Radio this Sunday, this time with Dr. Hulstedt who is under attack by the state medical board. Joy's work, aided by brave allies like Dr. Hulstedt, deserves everyone's attention and support. Learn more at and also by going to the website with information on the federal law suit,

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In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found.

Richard Sacks, Host

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