Faith In Bitcoin With Saint Bitcoin: Meet The Taco Plebs

4 years ago

In this episode of Bitcoin Magazine’s “Meet The Taco Plebs,” I was joined by a long time friend in the space, Saint Bitcoin (@Saint_BITCOIN). Saint is the host of the Pleb Talk Podcast, which is honestly one of my personal favorites. Unfortunately, it is on hold at the moment until travel restrictions lighten up, and then Saint will be back at it doing great in-person interviews with loads of plebs!

We discussed how Saint got into Bitcoin and fell down the rabbit hole, and why Bitcoin is so important to him. He connects Bitcoin with his faith and see’s both as a fountain of truth in which people can learn from and guide their lives. Saint and I discuss what is missing from the world today and how people have become completely disconnected and lost. We go into detail and what we think most people are missing and getting wrong, and how Bitcoin is the beacon of hope that fixes these problems.

We discuss our appreciation and support for the Bitcoin Taco Plebs, who have been the all-stars of 2020 and the past 3-year bear market. We shout out some plebs and explain that the institutional investors getting into the space is cool, but honestly, the hard-working, everyday pleb stacking sats is what really is amazing. Normal people putting in their entire life savings and then some to accumulate Bitcoin is more respectable than millionaires and billionaires putting in 1-2% of their net worths into the corn.

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If there are any Taco Plebs you’d like to see on this show, make sure to drop their names and Twitter handles in the comments section below or tweet your feedback to @nikcantmine!

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