WHO Did What?!?!

2 years ago

File this under “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up.” On May 30th, guess which country with a history of human rights violations joined the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO), with unanimous support – including the support of the United States? That’s right, the Chinese Communist Party.
As defined on the WHO website:
"The Executive Board is composed of 34 persons who are technically qualified in the field of health, each designated by a Member State that has been elected to serve by the World Health Assembly. Member states are elected for three-year terms."
This is the same WHO that a week ago began considering two problematic sets of health proposals concerned with strengthening World Health Organization preparedness for response to emergencies, including sovereignty, global digital surveillance, individual vaccine passports, and transnational disinformation boards. And now guess who now has considerable influence on how the world responds to any of the above and more? The country where COVID-19 originated.
Ironically, China refused to allow the WHO to investigate the origins of COVID-19 in Wuhan. And now they’re on the Executive Board? China joined the Executive Board by “acclimation,” meaning no one stepped up to object. The U.S. could have shown some backbone and resisted the addition, but rather than rightfully protest the appointment, the Biden Administration chose to join the acclimation of China.
It’s totally absurd. They’re giving communist China even more power, including power over you. The WHO not only wants to tell you how to live when it deems something to be a threat to public health – a term it gives a very loose definition – but now with China on board, they can censor your social media if any posts make it look bad, for instance in the face of a global pandemic that may have started under its nose.
Remember in the beginning of the pandemic when the mainstream media told us COVID came out of a wet market in China? And then much later we were told that yes, maybe it did originate in a lab in Wuhan. Now that China sits on this committee in a position of power, they can prevent that news from ever being released. They can control the narrative. And meanwhile they’ll have the power and influence to increase surveillance on citizens of other nations, such as the United States. Are you shaking your head yet?
Roughly a week ago we told you about proposals by the Biden Administration to amend the international health regulations from 2005 that would cede American liberties and sovereignty to the WHO, empower the WHO to finance surveillance measures in countries around the world, including the U.S., share unverified health information reported by potentially malicious or self-interested third parties, and grant sweeping powers to the inspector general of the WHO – allowing them to declare a public emergency, potential or actual. Those don’t even have to be directly linked to an actual health issue. There’s no mention of probable cause or due process. Do you really trust China with this kind of power? We should all be very concerned right now.
The radical Left’s point of view is a globalist, and (despite their claims of inclusion and tolerance) an elitist point of view. It’s no wonder they’re willing to hand power over American citizens to an international board that now includes Communist China. We cannot stress enough how dangerous this could be.
ACLJ Director of Policy Harry Hutchison summed up this global elitist mentality:
"Essentially the global elitists have preached openness and tolerance to virtually everyone but rank and file Americans. And so they have decided to diminish the interests of average working-class Americans in favor of international bodies. These are essentially revolutionaries who believe that all that currently exists should perish and that the elites should control, essentially, our daily lives, and we need to push back."
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with further in-depth analysis of this move by WHO and what it could mean for our own freedoms here at home.

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