BOMBSHELL PROOF: CDC & DOD Use 5G & Monkeypox as WMD, CPS Starved Kid, J6 patriots Convicted

2 years ago

BOMBSHELL PROOF: CDC & DOD Use 5G & Monkeypox as WMD, CPS Starved Kid, J6 patriots Convicted


Thursday, June 2nd, The Stew Peters Show brings a brand new show that you don’t want to miss out on!

Adam Lowther’s 4-year-old daughter was interrogated into lying that he had abused her after Adam & his wife confronted their daughter’s teacher with REPEATEDLY misspelling her name in class. This teacher decided to get back at them by FALSELY claiming that they had been abusing their daughter.

Diego Rodrigues is the grandfather of baby Cyrus, who was taken from the arms of his parents unlawfully! He joins The Stew Peters Show to give us updates on what is REALLY going on!

Cynthia Hughes is faced with heartbreaking news. Her nephew, Tim Hale - Cusanelli, who had his first big trial in DC has been convicted on all charges. Tim is innocent, and was not a criminal on January 6th.

Karen Kingston came prepared to share all of the information that she discovered, regarding the direct links between 5G radiation and COVID-19.

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