Funny - Amber Heard's lawyer tried to stop his long lost trial, Depp's Lawyer interrupts

2 years ago

Did Amber Heard get her lawyers from Craigslist? Did she assume winning would be easy... because she's always gotten what she wants. Either that, or these lawyers just have a liar as a client. (Today's new hashtag is: #AmberHeardisaPsychopath )

In the ongoing craziest trial ever, Heard's Lawyer Mr. Rottenborn makes his case for why the case should be dismissed. And he keeps getting interrupted. When the Rotten one complains, Depp's lawyer says: ""I can't wait to oppose this *****." I'm not sure what the last word was.

See also:
Johnny Depp's body language Rage in court

New testimony Ex-Vegan Amber Heard pooped in Johnny Depp's bed

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