The David Knight Show 7June22 - Unabridged

2 years ago


Segment 1

* WATCH: Calf lose on highway requires a couple of cowboys to do Team Roping

* Queen's Jubilee — a projection, holographic

* Biden ignores D-Day to play the role of Hitler in gun control

*"The Rest of the Story" about D-Day that shows one more thing America had but has lost

* Another "suicide" around the Clintons exposed by a FOIA request. Why did both the family and local law enforcement choose to cover it up?

* Soros District Attorney in VA says he'll block enforce of any laws that make abortion illegal

* Liberals fear Supreme Court rulings are about to make a "June of Doom" for their agenda

* Just when it couldn't get worse for Biden, now ObamaCare will expire just before midterm elections

* Diane Feinstein is about to expire but the left is already casting stones at their idol

Segment 2 begins approximately 00:32:39

Listener suffering from epilepsy asks for letters and prayers as NC House Speaker Tim Moore does a pocket veto on medical marijuana — the only thing that helps him

Jan6 Committee Goes Full "Wag the Dog": It's a Pageant! Prime Time, big production values, and carefully crafted narrative & editing — starring newly minted "sedition" charges for the villains

Liz Chaney openly confesses to being a conspiracy theorist as she flirts with starting Civil War

>>> An $80 MILLION initiative to rig LOCAL ELECTIONS

Segment 3 begins approximately 01:19:30

Gun Control

- My friend conveys her family's eyewitness account of the California church shooting

- Nigerian church massacre, for some reason they're NOT using it to push gun control

- How one guy with a gun stopped another church massacre in Africa

- Christian shooting victim writes book that "thoughts and prayers" are not enough. She's right but wrong in her conclusion

Segment 4 begins approximately 01:42:03

Gun Control (continued)

- GOP admits they want gun control by incremental infringements

- More violent attacks but instead of guns — chains, hatchets, etc

- GOP Senators are determined to enact some gun control to save Biden and betray the Constitution, especially "Davos Toomey"

Segment 5 begins approximately 02:04:04

INTERVIEW: Will Politics Kill Medicine? Dr. Joel Hirschhorn, MD pulls no punches going after the political & bureaucratic attacks on medicine. Excess deaths in heavily vaccinated Taiwan & Australia. And, what we're learning about treating long term effects of jab

Segment 6 begins approximately 02:38:01

* Closet Marxist, Pete Buttigieg, comes out! Says to beat inflation, govt needs to take over oil production. Booty-Marx is perfectly positioned at Dept of Transportation to destroy supply chains.

* What's going on with the railroads? First it was ships, then ports, now railroads. There's a common thread

* The Dissident Project will put speakers who lived under socialism/communism into schools to WARN students what it's like

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