US Imperialism & CIA Coups: Latin America, Asia, Africa, Middle East - Documentary (1893-2020)

2 years ago

History of US Empire spanning the globe from Asia to Africa

Book Review/Summary/Synthesis from 3 books:
① Michael Parenti - Against Empire, 1995
② John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 2004
③ Stephen Kinzer - Overthrown, 2006

0:00 - Intro, Lenin, Parenti, Perkins, Kinzer
1:17 - Mexico, 1846-1948, Texas, California, Spanish-American War
1:52 - Hawaii, 1893, Liliʻuokalani, Pearl Harbor, Neocolonialism
2:51 - Guatemala, 1954, Árbenz, United Fruit Company, Armas, 36y Civil War
12:15 - Cuba, 1898-1922, 1953-Present, Batista, Castro, 638 Assassination Attempts

Asia: 21:30
21:32 - Vietnam, 1945-1991, 1963, Hồ Chí Minh, Ngô Đình Diệm, Gulf Tonkin
30:20 - Cambodia, 1965-1991, Third Indochina War, Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge
31:13 - Laos, 1960-1975, Secret War, Pathet Lao
33:00 - Philippines, 1898-1946, 1953, Magsaysay, Marcos
34:40 - Indonesia, Sukarno, Suharto, 1965 Mass Killings
38:00 - East Timor, 1975 Mass Genocide

Africa: 42:10
43:12 - Congo, 1960, Leopold, Lumumba, Congo Crisis, Mobuto, Zaire
45:10 - Mozambique, 1975, Machel, FRELIMO, REMAMO
45:20 - Angola, 1975, MPLA, Savimbi, UNITA, Clark Amendment
46:37 - Chad, 1982, Oueddei, Habré
47:08 - Burkina Faso, 1987, Thomas Sankara
48:30 - Uganda, 1971, Amin
48:36 - Ethiopia, 1974, Selassie, Mariam
48:53 - Morocco, 1961, Hassan
49:00 - Rwanda, 1997, FPR, Mobuto
49:13 - Sudan, 1997, US Bombing of Al-Shifa Pharmaceutical Company
50:00 - Somalia, 1961-Present, 1992, 1993, Black Hawk Down, Mogadishu

Latin America: 52:03
52:03 - Dominican Republic, 1961, Trujillo, Juan Bosche
54:00 - Operation Condor, 1968-1989 - Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
54:32 - Brazil, 1964
56:26 - Bolivia, 1964, Banzer Suarez
57:00 - Chile, 1973, Allende, Pinochet, Neoliberalism, Milton Friedman
1:02:03 - Jamaica, 1976, Manley, Bauxite
1:04:58 - Nicaragua, 1903-1914, 1937, 1979-1990, Zelaya, Somoza, FSLN, Iran-Contra
1:08:06 - Honduras, 1903-1925, 1980s, Banana Republic, Battalion 3-16
1:09:40 - Grenada, 1983, New Jewel Movement (NJM), Maurice Bishop, US Invasion
1:13:29 - El Salvador, 1979-1992, FMLN, St. Romero, El Mozote
1:16:46 - Peru, 1990, Fujimori, Montesinos
1:16:58 - Haiti, 1915-1934, 1991, 1994, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Liberation Theology
1:20:13 - Ecuador, 1981, Roldós, Hydrocarbons Policy, SIL
1:27:53 - Panama, 1941, 1981, 1989, Torrijos, Noriega, US Invasion, Bush

Middle East: 1:40:00
1:40:00 - Egypt, 1952, Nasser
1:40:50 - Lebanon, 1958, Invasion and Occupation
1:41:17 - Iran, 1953, 1979-Present, Shah, Mossadegh, Ayatollah Revolution
1:49:33 - Israel, 1947-Present, 1973
1:49:50 - Saudi Arabia, 1974-Present, OPEC Embargo, Bretton Woods, JECOR, Petrodollar
1:55:20 - Afghanistan, 1979, 2001-Present, Mujahideen, Opium, Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda
2:00:00 - Iraq, 2001-Present, Qasim, Hussein, Gulf War, Iraq War, US Invasion
2:12:18 - Libya, 2011-Present, Gaddafi, US Invasion
2:14:03 - Syria, 2011-Present, Al-Assad, Arab Spring, ISIS, Wahhabism, Salafism
2:14:43 - Yemen, 2015-Present

Recent Coups:
2:14:52 - Pink Tide, 1999-2009, Blue Wave 2009-Present
2:15:28 - Honduras, 2009, Manuel Zelaya
2:15:52 - Venezuela, 2002, 2019, IMF, Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, Maduro
2:21:30 - Bolivia, 2019, Lithium, Evo Morales, MAS

Conclusion: 2:22:41
*China/Korea excluded - will be covered in depth in future videos
*WW1/WW2 excluded - will be covered in depth in future videos
*Slavery/Indigenous Nations excluded - covered in depth in future videos
*Specifically focus on US Imperialism (British etc... excluded)
*More focus on military intervention as the final outcome of imperialism - but it should be recognized that imperialism is much more than just military interventions and coups, it is an economic system that functions to keep the world poor so a few elites can stay rich. But it is in these egregious examples we can reflect on the extent to which the capitalist class will go to prolong their decay in a ruthless international class war.

2021 Update - Revolutionary victory in Peru!

Link to timeline from video:

References and Recommended Texts:
○ V.I. Lenin - Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, 1917
○ Frantz Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth, 1961
○ Michael Parenti - The Face of Imperialism, 2011
○ Naomi Klein - The Shock Doctrine, 2007
○ William Blum - Killing Hope
○ Greg Grandin - Empire's Workshop
○ Sirvent/Haiphong - American Exceptionalism and American Innocence, 2019

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