Easy One Shot Knock Out Techniques

2 years ago

In One Shot Fight Ender we will show you one shot knock out techniques that will:
Incapacitate larger and stronger attackers instantly by shocking their central nervous system..
Knock your assailant out cold with the softest part of your hand.
Force Multiplier tricks that will amplify your power by a multiple of five!
Discover how to maximize your body’s natural weapons.
Learn how to PROPERLY attack the testicles (yes, the experts STILL teach this WRONG).
Destroy ANYTHING in your path with REELING ELBOWS.
How to REALLY Head Butt.
Plus, the Bonus Ear Box – Eye Gouge Combination (we know that’s more than one shot – but it’s so cool and brutal we wanted you to know it too)….and we’re going to add two more Bonuses just for acting NOW.

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