How To Stop Mold From Killing Your Cuttings | How To Treat Cuttings To Prevent Mold!! So Easy!!

3 years ago

How to root fig cuttings:

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Rough Transcript:
I think it's that is here. Chad what are you doing. What

Kind of man. Well there's mold everywhere. You know that there's a lot there's lots of ways to treat mold right. So you're saying there's a chance

Hopefully at this point you guys have already watched my how to root for cuttings video if you haven't. I highly suggest you check it out. But today I'm going to be showing you how to make a magical potion to take care of mold on your fig cuttings. And it's very very complex. I'm just kidding guys. It's really simple. All it requires is some water and some hydrogen peroxide the things that you're going to need for this is actually just a cheap spray bottle. They can get at the store doesn't have to be a great bottle. I mean you're only going to use it occasionally. Hopefully not at all but you might have to use it. So and then you're also going to need just hydrogen peroxide which you can also get pretty much anywhere at this point.

And then you're just going to need a measuring spoon set.

So let's go ahead and go over how to make the solution and then I'm going to talk to you guys about how to apply it. Very complicated very. So we're in the House today to mix this up because it can get a little dangerous. Don't get this on your clothes don't get this on anything or your wife is going to kill you. I'm already dead. All right. So. We're just going to open the bottle. And you're going to mix the solution this hydrogen peroxide to water solution. You can do it in varying amounts based on where you want to start. I usually like to put three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to 10 tablespoons of water. And that's going to be more than enough for whatever cuttings you're doing and you don't have to just use this on figs. You can use this on any of your plant cuttings. So all we're going to do is just take the hydrogen peroxide and put our. Most of that didn't go in there but that's fine. All right. That's it for the hydrogen peroxide. Now we're just going to go ahead and add water into that

Doesn't matter if it's warmer or if it's cold water.

All right so after you've put those bolts in there I'd just like to put the top back on. Shake it around a little bit and that's all there is to it.

Let's go ahead and get some cuttings I'll show you how to use it.

We got ourselves a couple of white Marseilles cuttings just some extra cuttings that I had laying around was going to sell them in the past.

Now I'm not going to but there's no mold on any of these because here at the American food company we don't deal with mold ever. We don't have common pest issues. We don't have mold issues everything's perfect all the time.

Just kidding. All right.

All you're gonna do if the cutting is in you know soil or anything it doesn't really matter.

Just spray it on liberally like like so maybe that was a little too much.

But that's all there is to it. All you have to do is make sure that this is dry before you you know if you're reading this and you're putting a bag over the top make sure that that's dry. So just leave it out for about 15 minutes. It'll dry up. Put your covering back on there or you can actually do what I just did when you first take cuttings. Just wash them off and then you can spray this on them and it'll keep mold from forming in the future. So that's all there is to it. If you guys do this you can deal with mold. If if the mold comes back multiple times. Just keep doing this every day until the mold doesn't come back. I've had cuttings before that the mold kept coming back three or four times. I made the solution a little bit stronger each time until it took care of the problem. And after that there was no issue. They rooted fine. So if you guys have any questions about this process it's really really simple. But a lot of people just don't know that you could do it. So if you have any questions let me know in the comments I'll get to you as soon as possible. Maybe somebody else has advice on a different way to take care of mold on cuttings. I'm open to that too. And I'd love to know about it. So leave comments in the comments section if you haven't already subscribed to the channel and get this video alike.

Thanks guys.

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