Covid-19-Myths Part 1 - 4

2 years ago

In the Covid-19 Myths series, Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman uncover the scientific misinterpretations, misunderstandings, erroneous conclusions, and outright fraud that is pervasive in the scientific literature about viruses and Covid-19.

These brave doctors have cut ties with the allopathic medical-industrial complex to remain unbiased and maintain their scientific integrity. In this series, both doctors share their rational and logical interpretations of the mainstream’s experimental studies; they report on the latest research and blow the whistle on the experimental vaccines and treatments that present a danger to our health and wellbeing.

Please join these two intellectual mavericks for the unspoken truth as they separate the facts from myths about Covid-19, medicine, and health freedom.

Dr. Tom and Dr. Andy first made contact in early 2020 after watching one another’s presentations on Covid-19. They quickly became friends and joined forces for several interviews and speaking engagements.

Their mutual interest in medical and scientific truth, natural healing, terrain theory, small-scale farming, botanical medicines, water, and other topics, has fostered their developing friendship. Both doctors have also voluntarily relinquished their medical licenses since they could never again recommend harmful treatments, or give false diagnoses. Their ethics and integrity are guiding principles that create the context for their ongoing collaboration.

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