Ep 3 - Unmasking God Consciousness with Dr. Terry Morse

2 years ago

In the heightened state of conflict in today’s world, standing strong in spiritual truth and dispelling illusion is critical.

Welcome to EPISODE 3 of Soul Power To The People Podcast with Tess Vergara.

In this episode of SOUL POWER TO THE PEOPLE, Tess is joined by her wonderful friend, Dr. Terry Morse, to discuss our purpose on earth, the importance of managing our emotions, and how we can wake up to what lurks in our subconscious minds so we can truly address crimes against humanity.

In this episode, you will learn:

Terry’s experiences as a revolutionary in the 1960s
Some key causes of the world’s conflicts
Remembering the power of choice and internal freedom
How to detach yourself from the impact of the world’s deconstruction
The impact of our innate survival responses (fight, flight and freeze)
The power of breath
How children are being brainwashed by a paradigm of separation
What one of the biggest crimes against humanity is


Dr. Terry Morse is a health educator with doctorates in natural medicine and humanitarian services from the World Organization of Natural Medicine in Toronto.


Soul Powered Executive Coach Tess Vergara is an expert in enlightenment and higher self-awakening, and a Certified Master Strategy Coach, Strategic Interventionist, NLP Practitioner, and Behavioral Assessment Coach. She is the creator of Soul Powered Executive Coaching, which addresses the conflicts many executives and changemakers face between mind and heart, soul and ego. She guides leaders and changemakers towards achieving authentic confidence and unshakeable rock solid foundation so they can fully step into Soul Powered Leadership and create the Soul-aligned legacy, contribution, health, wealth and relationships their Soul came here to fulfill, contribute and enjoy.

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