AndersonPlays Roblox Build A Boat For Treasure - Grabber Glitch with the Harpoon

3 years ago

Hi. I'm Anderson and this is AndersonPlays Roblox Build A Boat For Treasure!

One of the glitches in Build A Boat For Treasure is making a harpoon hold onto and spin a person or boat and not let go! I've named this the Grabber Glitch in Build A Boat. This glitch was influenced by fluffyRock101 and his Laser Glitch.

To do this glitch, in unanchored, you setup a harpoon on top of a block. You then put a magnet, facing up, close to the harpoon and turn the magnet on. Next, float a plastic block over the magnet, and jump on/off the floating plastic block to get it spinning. Use the screwdriver tool to select and anchor the spinning block. Then use the scaling tool to extend the anchored plastic block into the harpoon. Now use the screwdriver tool to select and anchor the harpoon. Finish up by deleting all of the blocks other than the harpoon. There you go! You now have a harpoon that will grab onto people, blocks, and boats that you shoot, spin its target all around, and will not let its target go!

Here are the sections of my video showing the Grabber Glitch in Build A Boat:
0:00 Intro
0:36 Building the Grabber Glitch harpoon
1:41 Grabber Glitch demo on people
2:32 Grabber Glitch demo on blocks and boats
6:08 Outro

I really like glitches in Roblox Build A Boat For Treasure and was really excited to find this glitch behavior with a harpoon that's a modification of the Laser Glitch harpoon. What do you think of this? Let me know if you build this Grabber Glitch yourself and what kinds of things you do with it.

Also, please note that this can be a rather mean glitch to use on people if you abuse it. Have fun with it, but don't be mean with it.

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