Choose Your Faction

3 years ago

I had some feedback from viewers thinking I was taking the side of the establishment. This is not the case, I have not taken any sides, I am just an observer so far. I suppose I should clarify, while I have not taken sides, I most certainly am not on the side of the political establishment.

I will say that all of this makes me uneasy. It seems that every time I think I have an idea of what to expect, some disaster happens. Last year it was COVID, now it's all the chaos surrounding the election and its aftermath.

For everyone who says the country will never enter into a civil war, take a look at the factions already beginning to form. We have the political establishment, the Trump supporters, AntiFa, and maybe the military.

In addition to the factions that are forming, the establishment is making moves to ban contrary speech. Moves have already been made to remove Trump supporters, as well as many inconvenient voices on the left. Donald Trump himself has been banned permanently (if you don't like his tweets then congratulations). The people who stormed the capital building felt that they were not being heard, how do you think they will react now that they are figuratively having their tongues cut out?

Another dramatic escalation has taken place with Nancy Pelosi. She has apparently requested that the military stop following the directions of our sitting president. She is now guilty of one of the things she has accused the president of, attempting to stage a military coup. Some people are suggesting she had no idea of the implications of making that request, or they have suggested that she is a bumbling old drunk that had no idea, but I don't think so. She has spent many years at the top of government. She is a lawmaker, there is no way she didn't know exactly what she was doing.

I also find myself confused at the political establishments hurry to remove Trump from office. He has maybe two weeks at the most until he leaves office, yet they want to impeach him. Everything surrounding this situation is so bizarre.

In response to a comment asking how I know the election was fraudulent, I have to say that it doesn't matter if it was or not. I have no idea if there was fraud (the courts didn't hear the case), but it doesn't matter so long as people believed there was fraud. The US has used this as part of their efforts (successful ones too) to overthrow governments around the world. I almost feel like we are getting a taste of our own medicine. It could be that we tried to destabilize someone like China or Russia, and now they are getting their revenge on us. I can't back that up with anything, I'm just me, and have no special sources, but it certainly does seem like it.

Hope you enjoy the video.

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