GAIN OF FUNCTION ??? From the Jab ?

2 years ago

I know this Telegram group has the word CONSPIRACY in the title.. and I will admit this one may be a stretch...

But have you ever seen anything like this.
Wasn't dazed from a punch.
Returned back towards his corner,
waiting for the ref to get other guy ready.- so knows where he is.
Then Is looking at his opponent - so knows where he is

All of a sudden.. BING.. starts following the Ref and punching a pole...

The PLANdemic CONvid Jab in deed does include nano-chips and censors ...
AND DNA changing effects to wire you up to the Matrix and Trans-humanism..

G.O.F Gain Of Function is something that the global elite have been working hard on including Fauci & Gates' ID20 nano implanted computer chip.. That will monitor your heart rate - GPS track you and Facial recognition cameras and technology that got snuck in while everyone was "self-isolating " while not sick...

Linked to the mass new amount of 5G towers that went up during the "quarantine" times... ( when you are not sick )

Is it just me or does it look like he got zapped and a switch went off and someone else took over ???

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